How we started
Hi, I'm Woody_333 and this is my store. Gaming and collecting took a strong hold on me at a young age and stuck with me throughout the years. I started streaming from my PS4 at the start of 2021 and was instantly hooked on the good vibes of sharing my content with friends, family and after a while my own little community.

Why Pokemon?
I started out collecting Pokemon cards when base set was first release and still have most of my original collection. Only being young at the time and not having much pocket money I didn't really collect much after base set and only recently dragged out the old collection and dusted it off to share on stream. Looking through that old binder reignited the flame and now that I have a little more pocket money, I am able to enjoy the hobby once more.

“I'm a testimonial. As we have only just started Woody_333 has yet to receive any feed back. If you'd like to leave a testimonial please get in touch.”

“I'm a testimonial. As we have only just started Woody_333 has yet to receive any feed back. If you'd like to leave a testimonial please get in touch.”

“I'm a testimonial. As we have only just started Woody_333 has yet to receive any feed back. If you'd like to leave a testimonial please get in touch.”